Chalk Talk

Symbols you will likely see when hashing with Survivor

HASH MARK- Follow these to stay on trail.

BAD TRAIL- You’re on a false trail, go back to last CHECK MARK.

INTERSECTION- The trail can go in any number of direction except the direction from which you came. Hares are not allowed to put an intersection on a bad trail. One or more trails may be false trails. Also a chance for the pack to catch up with the FRB’s.

TITTY CHECK/PACKAGE CHECK- All male hashers are duty bound to wait at the TC until a female hasher requests their help in finding the trail by displaying that portion of her anatomy. Modest females may continue the trail on their own leaving those poor slobbering bastards waiting at the TC.  Rarely seen is the Package Check which is the same idea but with the roles reversed.

WHICHWAY- The trail could go either way, usually one is a false trail, or worse, a YBF.

YBF- You’ve been F*cked! You have just followed a very long false trail and must go back to the last WHICHWAY or Intersection

CHECK BACK- You must go back the number of marks shown to find the true trail.

TRUE TRAIL or HARE ARROW- This is the NO SH*T real thing. (Only the Hares can put this on trail)

BEER CHECK- A reason to drink- like we need one.

BEER NEAR- The reason for putting yourself through all of the pain.

HASH NOTE- The cunning hares have left (hopefully) legible special instructions on an action to be taken, a Hash Game, or how to find the trail.

ON-IN – The pain is almost over and the debauchery will soon begin.

Hash Help #1- If you are hopelessly lost listen for the whistles, it’s probably somebody who thinks they are ON-ON, go that way.

Hash Help #2- If you are ON-ON, hopelessly lost, or not sure and your hear sirens, go the other way!