Hash #342 - Full Moon Hash

I have always heard that the full moon brings out the beast in people, and well…it was not short with this full moon at all.  Everyone went “beast” with our trail and especially afterwards.  After several of us enjoyed Pensacola’s Downtown Gallery Night, which always includes good food and plenty of drinks, we headed to our oh-so-secret gathering spot for the Full Moon Hash.  There was an amazing turnout that night, considering it was moved to a Friday night from the typical Saturday.  Several hashers from GCH3 and also from East Hill H3 graced us with their presence.  There were also several virgins and visiting hashers as well.  Swab D Bone, A Lil Pinkie Will Do, and CSI were the hares, with gimpy Red Hot Pecker Pocket as the Illustrious RA.  Now don’t let that “gimpy” word fool you, she will still steal your soul without blinking an eye.

As soon as we were blessed, we took off r*nning in some street lit direction and then into the murky darkness.  The full moon stayed halfway hidden behind a few clouds most of the night.  I have witnessed, from leaving my hash flash camera with Porcelain Princess, that Red Hot Pecker Pocket led the group in some obscene warm-up exercises.  I am quite sure she missed her calling as a potential porn PE coach.  Who would not have loved to have had her in school?!?  I am quite sure the pack wasted no time at all to hit the trail in search of the hares.  All I know is that it covered a good bit of asphalt, some woods and shiggy, a little ghetto, a park, and back through part of downtown, to end at a another park along the water.  As tradition has it, there were MANY extra 16lb bags of ice awaiting those to enter circle.  As one of the hares, I can fully attest that the ice felt great….at first, and then slowly led into a burning desire to have warmth on the buns.

Every excuse in the book was thought of to have everyone, at one point or another, sit with their bare ass on the ice.  Of course, those that were on the ice had to endure the frigid feeling while the rest of us sang the lengthiest songs we could think of.  One memorable moment was as we were singing Yogi, with probably about 15 people on ice, Clit-R-Us from GCH3 (also on the ice himself), added a verse to prolong the chilly effects; he is such a teamplayer!!  Project Porktown and Thumbelina even shared some ass ice time.  It was nice to see them since they have been MIA for so long it seems.  The two of them, along with Red Hot Pecker Pocket, retrieved their milestone bandanas from “others” while at circle.  For some reason, why is it that Unextenze is always bare at some point while hashing ?!?

I will have to admit, Purple Vein must have had his blood pumping, as I have a photo of him laying practically bare on the huge pile of ice at the end of circle.  Surprisingly enough, there was still a lot of ice left, considering all of the hot dirty buns that stayed on the ice for so long.  All in all, it was a damn fantastic full moon hash and I look forward to the next one.


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